You are sifting yourself from diesel or petrol to electric model cars. Then congrats .You are choosing the future and wants a clean pollution free environment. But you are curious about your cars charging time. In this article we will discuss about how long it takes to charge a Chevy bolt car .Chevy bolt is one the most popular Electric Vehicle. It can run approximately 259 miles in a single charge. . It can boost its speed from 0 mph to 60 mph in just 6.3 seconds .It can generate 200 hp. When it comes to charging time it depends on what charging method you use .

3 levels of charging options available to charge a Chevy bolt.
Level -1 It is the slowest way to charge a Chevy bolt .The level 1 charges are easily available at your home or business and every Chevy bolt car also have a level 1 charger with it .
It is a 120 volt charger and can be connected in your home power socket. As it is a portable charger small in size when you charge a Chevy bolt car with this charger you can get only 4 miles per hour mileage. So if you want to fully charge your Chevy bolt then it will take up to 64 hrs to fully charge. Generally you can use this type of charger in local area when you travel within 10 miles radius.
Level -2 this type of charging is faster than level charging .It is also the most popular charger used by Electric car driver’s .It can give a range of 25 miles per hour. This charger can full your Chevy bolts battery from empty in 10 to 11 hrs.
Level-3 This is the fastest way to charge your Chevy car. It uses DC current where as other chargers use AC current to charge. This type of charger can generate up to 100 miles of range per hour. Its charging time is very small than of other chargers as it takes only 30 mins to fully charged from empty.
Comparison of all 3 methods
Charging method | mileage | Charging time |
Level 1 | 4 | 64 |
Level 2 | 25 | 10-11 |
Level 3 | 100 | 30 |
How long is the Chevy bolt charging cord?
There are two size of charging cord available for Chevy bolt.
1-Dual level charging cord is of 22 ft long .You can use it in both level 1 charging and level 2 charging. It has two interchangeable plugs to charge both levels separately. First plug is of 5-15 for level1 charging and the second plug is of 14-50 for level 2 charging.
2-Ultimate power up charging cord i used for level 2 charging .It is specially designed for Chevy cars and compatible with all Chevy cars. It can b used with 240 volt charger .Its length is about 25 ft.
You are not allowed to use any extension cord with both these cords.
How far Chevy bolt can go on one charge?
According to makers of Chevy bolt it has a range of 259 miles on a single charge. (Ie: when fully charged ).
But it depends on some factors
- Battery condition – when you use a new battery it will perform the most and output range will also be near 259 miles . but if you are using a older battery and its condition is poor then range may be decrease .
- Road condition – when you are riding upwards then more energy needed and more power will be consumed, so the range may be decrease and when you are riding downwards then less battery consumed and results increase in range.
- Driving style – It also depends on your driving style which decides the range of your vehicle. When you are addicted to use brakes often and runs vehicle at over speed then the range will vary according to your driving styles.
How long will a Chevy Bolt battery last
The battery life of a Chevy blots 8 to 9 years or 100000 miles whichever is comes earlier.
How to increase Chevy bolt battery life
Chevrolet gives a guarantee life of 8 to 9 years for a new battery .but if you want to increase the life of battery then follow below steps
1-Good driving habits –Always drive in a recommended speed. Try to use brakes when needed .Use cars AC only hen necessary and try to cool your battery as much as possible by taking small interval within your long drives.
2- climate- Both hot and cold climate can decrease the life of your battery.
3-Maintenance – Check your battery with Chevrolet experts regularly .Try to keep your battery cool and avoid deep discharges.
Should i charge my Chevy Bolt EV to 100%
No generally it is not recommended to charge your Chevy Bolt to 100%.
1-chemical stress –When you charge your battery to 100% the chemical reaction in your battery are more intense .This can damage your battery cells when you often charge at 100% .
2- Heat generation –when you charge your battery it generates heat and at 100% it is at its peak .So this may degrade battery cells.
3-Voltage – At 100% level the voltage is also very high and can put extra pressure on your battery .
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